Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 17 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx
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3 code 3 ;"START THE TAPE": 2 ;"press 'R' to read again": 2 ;"press 'L' to load next" 2 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$=z$+"track of whats going on. A joystick is of course aprerequisite to play it well. Asmentioned above the best aspectis the play options you have.Its possible to progress quitequickly at first whilst notgetting too jaded with it. Agood and competant game." 1 z$=z$+" There a 12 zones to each maze, in effect 12 problems to solveof varying difficulty. I managedto negotiate some of the earlierones. Its obviously a hard gamewith a good combination ofcoordination , thought andgraphics. The other pull is thechance of winning a flash car ifyou solve the maze and find ahidden code. Just wish I couldpin down why its souless." 1 z$="truly wonderful. Whilst the survey returns were great its letters that I'd like to see as well. I'd also like to see Eliteas well but thats another story.Using my trusty VTX5000 modem and Prestel I manage to keep in contact with lots of people all over the UK. Via this I heard about a Bulletin Board using a Spectrum + Microdrives. As the": 1 z$="the forthcoming portable gives us more bangs for our bucks. Thegood news is its use of SpectrumMicrodrives. I can't but help wonder tho' if the TV will be good enough whilst keeping the weight down. Visions of a huge plastic lens keep occuring to me,I must stop playing review games till the early hours of the morning! Not a great deal to": 1 z$="report on new software realy. There is a distinct increase in conversions of U$ games. And more games are now being priced around the `10 mark. It was fun to hear that the old Imagine megagames are still under development. One doubts if or when they do appear that a ZX version will be among them. May be wrong but who cares anyway?": 1 z$="occurs to me that by the time comms costs have come down that Compact Disc ROMs will be very attractive. The idea of putting Encyclopaedia Brittanica on a CD ROM appeals. Its a bit hard to imagine the games potential this opens up. As such ROMs are very good at storing masses of images. Gulp. Its going to take ages to create the games to fill": 1 z$="is worth while as I found youeven get them for landing onpeople! Squashed Green Yamo? Asyou get deeper into the chambersproblems get less easy to solve.Again its a matter of findingthe right way and sequencethrough the screen. Nothingrealy new here but the way itsbeen put together is smooth. Themove and attack optionsavailable broaden the game without making it too hard to keep" 1 z$="block your progress with beams.They can be knocked out frombehind , however they might thenalter other towers etc. If thiswas not enough we have thespheres to contend with. Theyroll round the maze effectivelyblocking your path. So its amatter of working out theirpattern as well. " 1 z$="a CD ROM. So until then can we have more games that use the Microdrive please? Only one gamecomes to mind that actualy encourages you to SAVE to drives.At least more of the utility and graphics packages allow easy use of them. For now the various hardware copiers are very handy pieces of kit. And onthat sticky topic I leave you...": 1 z$="RS 232 on Interface 1 is not toohot when it comes to driving a modem its good to hear someone hasn't let this deter them. To access the BB you need some special software thats availableas telesoftware on Micronet 800.It is feasible to use the Speccyto log onto more serious databases. But they are pretty expensive to use a lot. It also ": 1 z$="Or yet another change of editor.During the last few months I have been realy suprised by the sheer quality of submitted work.I hope it continues as long as Sinclair do. Or rather longer considering the recent escapadesof Clive. It is apparent that SRdo not have the problems of Acorn. But you innovate or die in the micro business. So I hope": 1 z$="A quick scan of the survey cardsshows that a lot of you want to do useful things with this micro, you know doorstops that kind of thing.So this time around we have lots of utilities for your eager eyes. Plus a game or two just to keep some balance and the game players quiet. Please write if there is a topic close to your heart that you think is": 1 z$=" Press 'L' to LOAD the next section of the magazine."+ 1 z$=" HELLO,GOODBYE": 1 y$=y$+"just like Bruce. You can kick orchop , defend by running away orducking. Ninjas hit you withbokken sticks and are creampuffs in comparison to the Yamo. Bruce has to collect certainlanterns to exit from screens oropen sections up. Not all areneeded but all are worth points.A scan of what you get points" 1 y$=y$+"designed by a mathematician andboy does that show. Mainly inthe lack of a certain atmospherein the game. Its a challenge nodoubt but a oddly bland one. You have a vehicle called aHedroid to get around the mazetrenches in. Its got a laserwhich I found difficult totarget when zapping the towers.What towers? Well these items" 1 y$="This has got a very effectiveloading screen. That is at leastcomprehesible to me. This isbasicaly a maze game in 3D if wecut through all the hype withthe packaging. There are 2 mazes, the Atrium and the Necropolis.The first being the easier oneto get through. There are anumber of wrinkles to gettingthrough. I hear that this was" 1 y$="Good fun this even if its only avariant on the platform typegame. As Bruce you have 20screens to get through. Thereare 4 one and two player optionsand its ace if played as 2player vs opponent. The mainprotagonist is the Green Yamo alarge looking lad. Also in theSpectrum version he's plainwhite not green. Ninjas are theother baddies. The Yamo attacks" 1 x$=" Gyron Firebird 48k press any key to read review" 1 x$=" Bruce Lee Datasoft 48k press any key to read review" 1 reviews 1 print keys 1 p$="ABCEFGHIKLMNOPQSTUVWYZ[\]^" 1 onoton=noton 1 noton=noton-1 1 noton=noton+1 1 no of notes=PEEK 64070 1 n$="a a#b c c#d d#e f f#g g#A A#B C C#D D#E F F#G G# 1 music on interrupts P Cooke aug 84. 48K only this version 1 music 1 is worth while as I found youeven get them for landing onpeople! Squashed Green Yamo? Asyou get deeper into the chambersproblems get less easy to solve.Again its a matter of findingthe right way and sequencethrough the screen. Nothingrealy new here but the way itsbeen put together is smooth. Themove and attack optionsavailable broaden the game without making it too hard to keeptrack of whats going on. A joystick is of course aprerequisite to play it well. Asmentioned above the best aspectis the play options you have.Its possible to progress quitequickly at first whilst notgetting too jaded with it. Agood and competant game. 1 gyron I 1 cover 1 brucelee G 1 block your progress with beams.They can be knocked out frombehind , however they might thenalter other towers etc. If thiswas not enough we have thespheres to contend with. Theyroll round the maze effectivelyblocking your path. So its amatter of working out theirpattern as well. There a 12 zones to each maze, in effect 12 problems to solveof varying difficulty. I managedto negotiate some of the earlierones. Its obviously a hard gamewith a good combination ofcoordination , thought andgraphics. The other pull is thechance of winning a flash car ifyou solve the maze and find ahidden code. Just wish I couldpin down why its souless. 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU? 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU% 1 U) Scroll display up"''" 1 U change the ink colours from 1 U Yes, I know you've bought it already ! (The instructions option on the main menu will explain how it's done) Incidentally for machine code buffs the left scroll was produced using RLD (rotate left decimal). Is this the first use ever found for this op-code ? Answers on the back of a `20 note (or several) please to ... 1 This has got a very effectiveloading screen. That is at leastcomprehesible to me. This isbasicaly a maze game in 3D if wecut through all the hype withthe packaging. There are 2 mazes, the Atrium and the Necropolis.The first being the easier oneto get through. There are anumber of wrinkles to gettingthrough. I hear that this wasdesigned by a mathematician andboy does that show. Mainly inthe lack of a certain atmospherein the game. Its a challenge nodoubt but a oddly bland one. You have a vehicle called aHedroid to get around the mazetrenches in. Its got a laserwhich I found difficult totarget when zapping the towers.What towers? Well these itemsZ 1 T$=T$+N$(2 1 P$(onoton+1 1 P$(noton+1 1 P MAGAZINE 1 Mole 1 KEY=KEY+79 1 KEY=KEY+(7 1 JBBSJRHBHSJ 1 I) toggles inverse on and off"''" 1 I Inverse 1 I Also you can pause the display for any important bit ... for example BUY 1 Hello there SPECTRUM COMPUTING readers... Here's another amazingly useful(?) utility for 16 and 48k machines. A Banner Generator ! You can store up to 2k of text on a 16k machine and 34k on a 48k spectrum. Just right for that novel that you were always meaning to write, or a letter for the magazine ??!? There are several flash things you can add to the display ... you can ... flash it 1 Good fun this even if its only avariant on the platform typegame. As Bruce you have 20screens to get through. Thereare 4 one and two player optionsand its ace if played as 2player vs opponent. The mainprotagonist is the Green Yamo alarge looking lad. Also in theSpectrum version he's plainwhite not green. Ninjas are theother baddies. The Yamo attacksjust like Bruce. You can kick orchop , defend by running away orducking. Ninjas hit you withbokken sticks and are creampuffs in comparison to the Yamo. Bruce has to collect certainlanterns to exit from screens oropen sections up. Not all areneeded but all are worth points.A scan of what you get pointsZ 1 F3E16D7210000110200197DD7210000110700197DD7210000ED5B58FF19E5C1CD2B2DCDE32D210000112000197DD73E0DD73E13D7210000110100197DD73A8F5C328D5C3E10D72100001105001 1 F) Flash display"''" 1 F scroll up 1 END OF INTERRUPT 1 DE=FRE*DUR: 1 DATA=30530 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CODE=30000 1 C) Clear display" 1 BBRJRRJRBBJ 1 BANNER 1 B28FF19E5210000ED5B1AFF19545DE1A7ED52D2xx 1 Attack 1 <xUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 ;n;" ";DE;" ";HL; 1 ;"for Interrupts." 1 ;"YOUR SACKED" 1 ;"YOUR EMPLOYER HOWEVER IS VERY STRICT AND HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOUA WARNING THAT IF YOU DO NOT DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY HE WILL GIVE YOU THE SACK !" 1 ;"YOU HAVE JUST GOT YOURSELF A JOBWHICH INVOLVES DROPPING BRICKS ONTO MOLES AS THEY DIG THEIR WAYINTO YOUR EMPLOYERS GARDEN." 1 ;"Type in code name"'"(ENTER to skip)" 1 ;"Type in code name" 1 ;"Start the tape...";: 1 ;"Searching";: 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE" 1 ;"S ... Slow down"; 1 ;"R TO RUN AGAIN SPACE FOR MENU" 1 ;"Q ... quit to menu" 1 ;"Press..."; 1 ;"Press..." 1 ;"Press SPACE"; 1 ;"Please selecct a value for the duration of notes."'"1) 0.01 secs 2) 0.02 or 3) 0.03" 1 ;"PRESS SPACE TO PLAY" 1 ;"PRESS Q TO QUIT" 1 ;"PRESS I FOR INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE." 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"PRESS 1-6" 1 ;"POKING IN DATA"; 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT...": 1 ;"Notes 0"; 1 ;"No More Room !!": 1 ;"Music Generator"; 1 ;"MOLE ATTACK." 1 ;"Loading next program..."; 1 ;"LOADING CODE...": 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN" 1 ;"If an error occurs type"'"GOTO 4000 to try again or"'"RUN to go back to menu." 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"HE PAYS YOU DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER OF MOLES YOU KILL AND ALSO HOW MANY BRICKS YOU HAVE LEFT AFTER KILLING A MOLE." 1 ;"F ... Speed up"; 1 ;"Do you want to store this (y/n)" 1 ;"CONTROLS" 1 ;"CODE 64070,1180" 1 ;"BANNER"; 1 ;"BANNER GENERATOR" 1 ;"6. LOAD NEXT PROGRAM" 1 ;"5. INSTRUCTIONS"; 1 ;"5 ... Leave program" 1 ;"4. SAVE CODE"; 1 ;"4 ... To load in a tune"; 1 ;"3. EDIT BANNER"; 1 ;"3 ... To save the code"; 1 ;"2. NEW BANNER"; 1 ;"2 ... Turn tune off"; 1 ;"2 ... To write in a tune" 1 ;"2 - RIGHT" 1 ;"1. DISPLAY BANNER"; 1 ;"1 ... Turn tune on"; 1 ;"1 ... For a demo/listen"; 1 ;"1 - LEFT" 1 ;"0 - DROP"; 1 ;"** Demo / Run tune **" 1 ;" Use cursor keys+ Enter to Enter note and delete to delete. Press Q to finish." 1 ;" To use in your own program savethe code and type..."''"LET A=USR 65100 to turn tune on and LET A= 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE AND PRESS A KEY ": 1 ;" Page ";a;" ENTER=Next SPACE=Back": 1 ;" PRESS C TO COPY TO ZX PRINTER" 1 ;" O.K. ": 1 ;" Storing this tune.... Please wait " 1 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 1 65120 to turn off." 1 6) sets the ink colour (0-7)" 1 5 Pete Cooke, 340 Mere Rd Highfields, Leicester. Anyway, have fun with the progam The End 1 3E10D7210000110800197DD73A8F5C328D5C210000E5210F00CD345DE1192218FF210000ED5B18FF19110900192218FF210000111500192216FF210000ED5B4EFF19110500A7ED52224EFF210000ED5B4EFF19E5210000113C0019545DE1A7ED52D2xx 1 3E10D7210000110700197DD73A8F5C328D5C3E16D7210000110400197DD7210000110F00197DD7210000119200197DD73E0DD721000011000019220AFF3E10D7210000110700197DD73A8F5C328D5C3E16D7210000110500197DD7210000ED5B0AFF197DD7210000119100197DD73E0DD7210000ED5B0AFF1911010019220AFF210000ED5B0AFF19E521000011200019545DE1A7ED52D2xx 1 30000,";END-30000 1 3 Magenta 1 210000FFED5B085C160019E5210000113 1 210000ED5B58FF19E521000011000019545DE1A7ED52C2xx 1 210000ED5B2EFF19110100A7ED52222EFF21000011085C19E521000011000019EBE173210000ED5B2EFF19E521000011090019545DE1A 1 210000ED5B2EFF1911010019222EFF21000011085C19E521000011000019EBE173210000ED5B2EFF19E521000011170019545DE1EBA7ED52D2xx 1 210000ED5B0AFF1911010019220AFF210000ED5B0AFF19E521000011160019545DE1A7ED52D2xx 1 210000113C0019224EFF210000ED5B4EFF19110A00CDE05C221AFF210000ED5B1AFF192228FF3E16D7210000110000197DD7210000110700197DD7210000ED5B24FF19E5C1CD2B2DCDE32D3E0DD7210000110B00192258FF210000110200192210FF3E16D7210000110200197DD7210000110700197DD7210000ED5B58FF19110100A7ED52E5C1CD2B2DCDE32D3E0DD7210000ED5B2EFF192262FF210000ED5B30FF192264FF210000FFED5B085C160019E521000011320019545DE1A7ED52C2xx 1 21000011170019222EFF210000FFED5B085C160019E521000011310019545DE1A7ED52C2xx 1 2 And you can print in 1 100001100001 1 019222EFF210000110400192230FF21000011080019220AFF3E10D7210000E521000011090019E5210000ED5B0AFF19110300CDE05CEBE1A7ED52EBE1197DD73A8F5C328D5C21000011000019223EFF3E16D7210000ED5B0AFF197DD7210000ED5B3EFF197DD7210000119000197DD73E0DD7210000ED5B3EFF1911010019223EFF210000ED5B3EFF19E521000011200019545DE1A7ED52D2xx 1 ...................................................... 1 ,END-30000 1 +" Press any other key to read this section again.": 1 ((HRJSHRJSHRJSHRJSHRJSHRJSSJSHS 1 '''"When your message is typed in"'"RANDOMIZE USR 30000 will"'"produce the display."''"You can save the code using"'"option 4 on the menu and use it in your own programs." 1 ''"The text will be smooth scrolledacross the top of the screen as"'"in the demo seen on loading."''"There are several special"'"effects using chr$(200) and a"'"number or letter.(pressing 1 ''" This program allows you to"'"generate the scrolling displays"'"often found in shop windows."'"The effect is produced by 530"'"bytes of machine code stored at" 1 '" We advise that you do not use Microdrives with this magazine, as some of the programs have a very low RAMTOP." 1 '" This magazine is composed of a number of programs that chain together, so that each one will LOAD the next when you are ready for it." 1 '" SPECTRUM COMPUTING - ISSUE 17 SEPTEMBER 1 '" Press ENTER to go to next page"'" Press SPACE to go back a page" 1 '" Any particular program can be LOADed using its file name listed on the contents page, but to 'read' everything in the magazine, it is easier to use the chaining." 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE TWO"'" Competition"'" Utility #3 's-sound'"'" Reviews 'reviews'"'" Jet set 'gertie'" 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE ONE"'" Editorial next page"'" Utility #1 'banner'"'" Attack of the 'moles' "'" Reviews 'reviews'"'" Utility #2 'music'" 1 "brucelee" 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINES 9210-9260": 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINES 9180-9200": 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINES 9160-9170": 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINES 9120-9150": 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINE 9110": 1 "ERROR IN DATA LINE 9100": 1 "9";"PRESS A KEY": 1 "30000 and the stroing is poked"'"into memory from 30530 onwards"'"with 255 (hex #ff) as an end"'"marker." 1 "'"will show an inverse 1 " for ";c$ 1 " a b c d e f g A B C D E F G 1 " END OF SIDE 1 - TURN OVER" 1 data for demo tune 1 and 0-7 ( 1 GRAPHIC A 1 FOR CONTROLS ENTER TO END " 1 APS LTD 1985 222 REGENT ST. LONDON WIR 7DB TELEPHONE 01-439 0666 EDITOR - FRANK DUNN" 1 *** write *** 1 *** save *** 1 *** load *** 1 *** demo *** 1 ** store ** 1 a# c#d# f#g#A# C#D# F#G# 1 Gyron Firebird 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 Bruce Lee Datasoft 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 Banner Generator